Taz is a noted trainer, presenter and keynote speaker. She also performs poetry and tells stories. Please invite her to train, speak, guest your podcast, moderate your panel, and perform stories! She'd love to speak with you and your class, group, peoples.
Additionally, Taz is available to consult on projects related to integrated voter engagement, social impact strategies in the creative field, and/or digital organizing campaigns.
She might even make you a mixtape.
Tanzila Ahmed is a part of the 8.5 Million Speakers Bureau from ReThink Media.
Workshops and Topics
Pivoting Organizing to Digital Strategies in a Pandemic
Microtargeting Communities of Color with Voter Data
Building Out Your Membership
South Asian Radical History Timeline
Snarky Political Holiday Card Workshop
Plane Folding Poetry Writing Workshop
Electoral Engagement 101
Re-centering Your Voice With Podcasting
Communicating Online & On Margins
Panel/Keynote Topics
Cultureshifting the Political Paradigm With Art
#NoMuslimBanEver Micropoems for Resistance
Islamophobia Industrial Complex
Desi Power and Identity
Latest Places I’ve Spoken
Resistance Through Art
Book Club: The Subtweet
IG Live Chat (May 2020)
#APAHM Takeover
IG Stories with Supermajority (May 2020)
Sex Talks at UCB (July 2019)
Fifteen Years Later
Panel with Vigilant Love (June 2018)
Commencement Speaker
Stop the Stigma
Self Care Poetry Workshop at the Claremont Colleges with the 7C Asian American Advisory Board Spring Summit (Feb 2017)
The Resistance
Covid-19 and the AAPI Community
IG Chat for Harness (May 2020)
We Are Together
Advocacy & Allyship to the APIDA Community during COVID-19
Panel with Asian American Resource Center at Pomona College (April 2020)
The In-Betweens: Asian Americans and Solidarity in the Era of Resegregation
Conversation with Jeff Chang at Power to the People with UCLA Asian American Studies Center (Nov 2019)
Designs on Democracy
Panel at Netroots Nation (August 2018)
Culture Shifting the Paradigm
Keynote Speaker at Social Justice Symposium for Loyola University Chicago (March 2017)
Word, Sound, Struggle: Hip-Hop, Spoken Word, and the Fight for Black and Brown Lives
Panel at Harvard University (June 2017)